Saturday, September 26th at 5:00pm
St. Angela Olsen Hall
Our Fall Court of Honor banquet is right around the corner. Our Scouts have had a busy summer and we have numerous badges and ranks to recognize.  We encourage all family members to attend and support your Scouts.
This year we have a special treat – we will be serving an authentic smoked ribs and chicken dinner.  This is one dinner that will make the most ardent vegan to reconsider their life choice.  Because we want only the amount of meat that will be consumed to be slaughtered and cooked, we are asking EVERYONE to RSVP by September 16th. Please take a moment to let us know if you will be joining us, or not joining us, in the form below.  There is no charge for Scouts, but we do need to collect $7 for every other family member in order to recover a portion of our cost. Payments can be made at the troop meeting.