Sunset Beach Kayak Trip

Posted by on May 28, 2013


On Saturday, June 8, 2013, Troop 811 will be going on a Kayak Trip at Sunset Beach.  We will be meeting at SAM Hugo Hall at 8 am and return  at 12 pm.  The cost will be $10 for the 2 hour kayak rental and $5 for gas.

Dress in clothes that can get wet (Class B shirt).  Bring flip flops, a beach towel, sun screen, and snacks/drinks.  We recommend that you pack all the items in a ziploc bag or dry sack.

The only prerequisite for this trip is for all scouts and adults show adequate swimming ability.  Scouts who have earned their Swimming Merit Badge qualify.  However, for those who haven’t , Mr. Walburn will be holding a swimming test on Tuesday, June 4 at Mr. Glasgow’s community pool next to 1692 Kellen Dr., Brea.  As mentioned in a previous email, this is the first in a series of 4 meetings with Mr. Walburn who will be testing scouts for the Swimming Merit Badge.

If you are interested, please sign up HERE.  Also, please indicate if you will be taking the swim test with Mr. Walburn.

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