2014 Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, March 9, 2014 from 8am to 12 noon will be our Annual Pancake Breakfast. Â This is one of our two biggest fundraisers of the year. Â The money we raise will help offset the cost of our monthly activities and allows our Scouts to earn money for their Scout Account. Â If you have not done so already, please see Mrs. Elsenpeter to get your envelope containing your first set of 5 tickets. Â You can start selling as soon as you get them.
Participation is mandatory for all Scouts of Troop 811Â and each Scout, with the exception of our new first years, are expected to sell a minimum of $60 worth of tickets. Â Once a Scout sells the minimum, 50% of all money raised will go to the Scout account. Â With Summer Camp only 5 months away, Scouts may be able to earn enough to pay their own way.
Prizes will be awarded to the top three salesmen and this year we will giving away camping gear. Â We will also be raffling 3 prizes to those Scouts who sell at St. Angela Merici masses. Â The sign up sheet is below. Â Please note that one of the weekends will conflict with the Wilderness Survival Camp so Scouts can sign up for the second weekend.
Parents, we request two things of you. Â The first is help with the behind the scene duties during the Breakfast. Â The boys will be taking orders, serving food and drinks, and busing tables. Â We need help with registration, kitchen duties, facilitator, etc. Â Only one parent from each scout family is requested but the more the help, the better. Â Second is a request for food donations. Â We ask that each family donate 3 or more of the items below and to bring them to the kitchen hall on Saturday, March 8 at 3pm. Â If you are aware of any stores who will be willing to donate food, please don’t hesitate to ask them.
Thanks in advance for making this fundraiser a success.