Monthly Archives: June 2015
Beach Camping at Point Mugu State Park
On August 14-16, Troop 811 will be camping at Point Mugu State Park in the Santa Monica Mountains. The cost for the trip is $49 for scouts and adults. The event is limited to 24 people, so the first who sign up and pay will be able to go. For those who are going, the … Continue reading
Ziplining at Skull Canyon
On Saturday, July 11, 2015, we will be going to Skull Canyon in Corona for a Zipline adventure.  They offer two separate zipline eco courses on 160 acres of natural undisturbed mountainous terrain.  The Original Course is good for all ages and has 6 different ziplines covering 2800 feet.  The Extreme Course is longer, higher, and … Continue reading
Troop 811 Wins Top Troop Award at Camporee!
Our troop enjoyed another successful Camporee in April. We won the coveted top troop award for the event because of our campsite, participation, and teamwork. Not only did our patrols do well in the many challenge events, but we did them well in the rain! Luckily, we had delicious food served by Grubmaster Mr. Swanson … Continue reading