Monthly Archives: September 2015
Service Project Opportunities to Honor our Veterans
The city of Brea will commemorate Veteran’s Day this year with a service for veterans and city residents at the Brea War Memorial.  The city has asked our troop for assistance in this venture: On Saturday, October 24th, we will be cleaning the war memorial.  This involves hand scrubbing the wording on the individual tiles on … Continue reading
Calico Ghost Town
The troop is scheduled to car camp at the Calico Ghost from Friday, October 9 to Sunday, October 11. Â There, we will hike to the mine and go on a mine tour, take a train ride, pan for gold, and see the mystery shack. Â On Saturday evening we will share a campfire with the … Continue reading
Cedar Glen Backpacking
Our troop will be going on great backpacking trip to Cedar Glen in the Angeles National Forest from Saturday, September 19 at 12 noon to Sunday, September 20, at 5 pm.  We will meet at Hugo Hall.  The first leg of the trip will be a 2 mile hike up to Cedar Glen Trail Camp where … Continue reading
Fall Court of Honor – Please RSVP!
Saturday, September 26th at 5:00pm St. Angela Olsen Hall Our Fall Court of Honor banquet is right around the corner. Our Scouts have had a busy summer and we have numerous badges and ranks to recognize.  We encourage all family members to attend and support your Scouts. This year we have a special treat – … Continue reading