Barton Flats Campout

Posted by on May 28, 2014


From Friday, August 22 to Sunday, August 24, 2014, we will be car camping at Barton Flats in the San Bernardino National Forest.  We can hike to Jenk’s Lake for those interested in fishing.  For the more adventurous, there is a day long hike through the San Gorgonio Wilderness.

We will be loading the trailer earlier in the week so all we will only need to pack the soft gear.  The travel time is about 90 minutes so the sooner we leave, the faster we will get there to set up camp.  Our goal is to leave on Friday at 5:15pm and return at 1 pm on Sunday.  As in every camping weekend, please eat your own dinner before meeting at Hugo Hall.

The cost of the trip is only $43 per scout/adult ($18 will cover the cost for meals on Saturday and Sunday, $11 for transportation, and $14 for camp fee).  Scouts can bring some extra cash in case we stop for a snack at the base of the mountain in Redlands.

For all those interested, please sign up on the Clipboard.  Please sign and turn in the Activity Consent Form with the fee to Mr. Tsuyuki by Tuesday, August 12, 2014.  


>Activity Consent Form<

>Car Camping Gear Checklist<

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