On Friday, December 6, 2013 from 5-9pm, at the Brea Lion Scout Center, we have scheduled a CPR training course.  This class will  provide Lay Responder CPR(Adult/Child/Infant), AED (Automated Electronic Defilation) and First Aid training and will be taught by Specialized Services of Southern California (SSofSoCal).  The class includes HANDS ON practice and lecture.  The CPR and First Aid Certificates are good for 2 YEARS.
This course is open to all Boy Scouts, troop leaders, and parents of Troop 811. Â Registration is normally $40 but we were able secure a price of only $25 per adult and $10 per scout.
There are only 40 spots available so it is important that you sign up as soon as possible. Â Your spot is not guaranteed until you pay the registration fee.
If you have any questions, please see Mr. Lising.