Pancake Breakfast is almost here!

Posted by on March 3, 2014


Pancake Breakfast is just around the corner

 Troop 811 Scouts and Families,
We have 1 more week before our fundraiser and I wanted to give you some last minute information.


All Scouts are expected to attend and help whether or not you have sold any tickets.  If you have not signed up for the duty roster, please do so below or at the Troop Meeting on Tuesday, March 4.

You will be broken up into a team of 5-6 scouts who will be serving a set of tables.  Each team will be in charge of: taking orders, delivering the food, providing drinks, and busing/setting up those tables.  You will rotate in these assignments so the workload is evenly distributed.  If you do not sign up, you will be randomly assigned.  The Assignment list will be posted on Saturday, at set up.

There will be NO ELECTRONIC DEVICE USE at pancake breakfast.  Scouts caught using them will have their device confiscated by our SPL, SM, or ASM and returned after Pancake Breakfast.

Please wear your Class B uniforms (Scout pants, Scout belt, Red Class B shirt).  SPL, ASPL please wear Class A uniforms.

Lastly, we encourage you to continue selling the tickets.  Each ticket you sell means more money into your Scout Account.



We are still looking for volunteers for this weekend.  We appreciate any help you can give to this event.  The Volunteer Sign up is below.

We are also requesting that each family bring at least 3 items from the food donation list.  We primarily need the bacon, fruits and drinks at this point but any assistance would be appreciated.  The Food Donation sign up is below.



Saturday, March 8, 4-7 PM:   Set up

4 PM:  All Scouts in the Hall  (~2 hours) 

4 PM:  Adults in Kitchen preparing food (3 hours)

4-5 PM:  All food donation brought to kitchen


Sunday, March 9,  5 AM – 2 PM:  Pancake Breakfast

5 AM:  Food preparation begins

6:55 AM:  All Scouts must be in the Hall (flag ceremony, duty assignments, breakfast)

 8 AM:  Pancake Breakfast starts.  Scout teams will rotate duties hourly

12 PM:  Pancake Breakfast ends

12 – 2 PM: Clean up

Any questions, please let me know.  
Yours in Scouting,
Christian Lising

>>Scout Duty Roster Sign Up<<

 >Parent Volunteer Sign Up<

 >Food Donation<

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