From Saturday, November 15 at noon to Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 10am, we will be hosting our Annual Webelos Overnighter.  We have invited Webelos dens from local Packs to spend a night with us camping at St. Angela Merici School Grounds.  This is an excellent opportunity for us to show eager Webelos what our Troop is about and to show off what you have learned.
Just like last year, we will teach them basic first aid, how to build a fire, how to put up a tent, and how to tie knots. Â We need as many Boy Scouts as possible to join them and teach them these skills. Â Best of all, the ASM’s will be cooking a great meal for everyone. Â If you are interested, please sign up on the clipboard below. Â If you have any friends who would like to come, please send them a copy of our flyer.