Monthly Archives: February 2015
Pancake Breakfast 2015
Pancake Breakfast is this weekend Troop 811 Scouts and Families, I wanted to give you some last minute information. SCOUTS All Scouts are expected to attend and help whether you have sold any tickets or not. Each of you will be broken up into a patrol of 6-7 scouts who will be serving of a group of tables. … Continue reading
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Scouts Earn Their Religious Emblems
Troop 811 congratulates Scouts Evan and William for earning their Ad Altare Dei Emblem.  The Ad Altare Dei is one of two religious awards available for scouts of the Catholic faith.  Based on the seven sacraments, it helps scouts develop a fully Christian way of life in a faith community.  The emblem, initiated in 1945 and … Continue reading
Categories: Announcements
Tags: Religious Emblems
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