Monthly Archives: March 2015
Get Your Lassos Ready for Camporee 2015
Howdy Scouts, Â . Camporee will be on April 24-26 2015 at Firestone Scout Reservation. Camporee is an annual camp competition for all the troops in the Portola District. It is available for all Troop 811 scouts and adults that have completed the YPT training. It costs $38 for the registration and food for the weekend. … Continue reading
Troop Bike Ride
We will be going on a bike ride along the Santa Ana River trail on Sunday, April 12, 2015, from  8:00 am to 10:30 am. We’ll meet in the parking lot at Yorba Regional Park (7600 E. La Palma Anaheim, CA 92807). Make sure to wear Class B uniforms and a helmet.  Also, bring plenty of water … Continue reading
Camporee Prep 2015
What is Camporee? Camporee is a local gathering of Scouting Units within the Portola District in April.  It involves over 400 scouts who compete in scouting activities put on by the district.  Last year, Troop 811 brought home a number of prizes including Best Campsite along with numerous individual patrol awards.  What is Camporee Prep? … Continue reading